Busy, Busy, Busy

Isn’t life busy? It seems that we are spending more time doing things and getting less and less accomplished as the time passes. Children are busy, teenagers are busy, and adults are busy. In every aspect of life we are a people who need rest and the Bible gives us two areas where we can find rest.

Rest From Doubt: God is real and I am convinced that we know this fact. However, at some points in life we may begin to doubt that we are doing the right things or that we are just not good enough for God. Doubt and fear have always been absent the followers of God. Proverbs 3:5-8 teaches us that we must not “lean on our own understanding” but we must “acknowledge Him” (the Lord) because He is the source of strength in our lives. James 1:5-8 teaches us that we must be willing to trust in the Lord’s Word and spend time in prayer through faith. Take some time this week to spend in prayer and remove doubt/fear by leaning on God’s Word.

Rest With The Brethren: You may not look at Worship or Bible Classes this way but consider one of the great blessings this opportunity presents us. Worship/Classes are opportunities for brethren to be together with the Lord (Matthew 18:20) but they are also times for us to remove out minds from the World and just spend time in the Gospel together. The Gospel is that which should be preached for the saving of Souls (Mark 16:15-16). Hebrews 4:14-16 instructs us that we have a Savior who is sinless and gives us the opportunity to draw near the “throne of grace, that we might receive mercy.” Just consider doing this with the people who you expect to be in Heaven with for eternity. It is a time to get away from the world to rest.

We are a blessed people. God has provided the way of Salvation and many wonderful opportunities to rest in this life. May we take the time to see the blessings of rest?


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