Regaining Our Spiritual Passion

In sports we witness athletes who play the game of sports (whatever sport it may be) for various reasons. Some play to please their parents, others play to fit into a certain group of individuals or peers, others may play for the money they anticipate they will make as a pro player, others for the popularity they think they will receive, there are also those who play simply for the love of the game. It is those players who love the game and have a burning passion to excel as a player that coaches look for and want. The player must have some athletic ability, a willingness to listen and learn, that is willing to work hard to improve
and that have a winning attitude, and a passion for the game that will excel and most often succeed.

The same holds true in the Lord’s work. The motive for which some preach, teach or serve in some other area may do so for various reasons. Some may do it for recognition, some may serve in their capacity for praise, or money, big name or some other ill intended motive. What the Lord looks for are those who serve in whatever area,
elders, deacons, song leaders, teachers, and preachers, custodians or any other service who love the kingdom of God Matthew chapter six and verse thirty- three. Who genuinely love God, Matthew twenty-two and verse thirty-seven. Who has a burning passion to please God,
Philippians chapter three and verse eight? This is the attitude that very
Christian should possess and especially among those that are leaders in the congregation.

In last week’s bulletin, we asked the question, WHERE IS THE PASSION? Why ask the question because I do not see the passion in, being at worship, work, preaching the gospel, working as elders and the activity of members in the church as a whole. The desire to hold to the truth, or to spread and promote the church as the distinctive body of Christ. I do not see the desire to speak out in opposition to things that are sinful. There is the constant fear of hurting someone’s feelings. Is this lack of passion because there is too much of self and too little of the Lord? Could it possibly be because there is too much of the world among us? Maybe denominationalism has infiltrated the church. It appears there needs to be a return to the fundamentals of the faith, emphasizing the oneness of the church, Ephesians chapter one and verses twenty-two and twenty-three. There must be the reminder that when we became Christians, we committed ourselves to self–denial, Matthew chapter sixteen and verse twenty-four. Christians must be reminded that they are no longer their own they have been bought with a price, First Corinthians chapter six and verses nineteen and twenty. There must be the constant call to holiness, First Peter chapter one and verses fifteen and sixteen, and several other things.

What can we do to regain that passion? Consider with me a few things that I believe can and will make a difference.

Love God as one should. Love him with all of one’s heart, soul, and mind, Matthew twenty-two and verses thirty-seven. This will move one to have a desire to obey God, John fourteen and verse fifteen. The result will be a passion to please him, Philippians chapter three and verse seven and eight.

In the second place love your neighbor as yourself, Matthew twenty-two and verse thirty-eight. If we loved our neighbor as ourselves we would be much more passionate toward them and getting the gospel to them.

Realize the true condition of mankind without Christ. He is dead in his trespasses and sin, Ephesians chapter two and verses one through three. They are without God, without Christ and in the state of sin without hope. It is up to us to help the see the light of Christ that can lead them out of their darkness.

Pray for a renewed passion. We can come boldly to the throne of grace to help us in the time of need, Hebrews chapter four and verse sixteen. Prayer is a powerful tool at the disposal of a Christian, James chapter five and verse sixteen and following. We need to ask God to help us to be passionate about our faith.

Follow the footsteps of Jesus, First Peter chapter two and verse twenty-one. How can we follow in the footsteps of Jesus and not be compassionate about serving God? Jesus was compassionate in his service and his mission. Should we not be?

Be willing to put forth some effort. The Lord is not going to over power you to make you zealous for his cause. We are to be fervent in spirit in serving the Lord, Romans chapter twelve and verse eleven. What kind of effort are you putting forth to be passionate in your Christianity.

Realize we will give account for what we do and the attitude with which we do it, Second Corinthians chapter five and verse ten. Do we really believe that God will hold us accountable? Be assured the day will come when Jesus Christ will sit in judgment in righteous Acts seventeen and verse thirty-one.

Brethren I am not talking about turning flips, and shouting, running up and down the aisles. If this is your thinking you have misunderstood the emphasis. I am talking about a passion that is rooted in a genuine love that moves us to urgent action. A love and compassion that moves us out of the seat of complacency and indifference to the streets of service. May the Lord help us to regain the passion and zeal that once characterized the precious body of Christ?

Bill Cantrell

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